Personal Information Protection Policy
HACHIX Co., Ltd. deeply recognizes that personal information is important for privacy in providing our services. We establish internal regulations related to personal information protection and build an organizational structure to ensure appropriate protection of personal information. We aim to respect our customers and meet their expectations and trust.
Acquisition, Use, and Provision of Personal Information
We will specify the purpose of using personal information within the scope of our business activities and obtain, use, and provide personal information fairly and appropriately to the extent necessary to achieve that purpose. We will also take measures to prevent the use of acquired personal information beyond its intended purpose.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
We will comply with laws and regulations related to personal information, government guidelines, other standards, and social order, and strive for appropriate protection of personal information.
Appropriate Management of Personal Information
We recognize the risks of unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage of personal information that we handle. We will implement reasonable safety measures and take appropriate corrective actions if issues arise.
Response to Inquiries
We will appropriately respond to inquiries regarding personal information we handle, including requests for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, and complaints.
Continuous Improvement
We will establish and thoroughly implement management regulations and systems for personal information protection, conduct regular reviews, and strive for continuous improvement of the personal information protection management system.
Established on June 20, 2022
HACHIX Co., Ltd.
Representative Director: Nguyen Cong Thanh
Contact for Personal Information Protection Policy
Personal Information Inquiry Contact
Address: 2-22-8 Chikusa, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture
Personal Information Protection Manager: Terumi Sako
Phone: 052-693-5866
About the Personal Information We Handle
We are committed to the appropriate protection of personal information based on our "Personal Information Protection Policy."
We will inform you as follows about the personal information we acquire or hold for business purposes:
(1) Name and address of the personal information handling business entity, and for a corporation, the name of the representative
Business Entity Name: HACHIX Co., Ltd.
Representative Director: Nguyen Cong Thanh
Address: 2-22-8 Chikusa, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture
(2) Name or title, affiliation, and contact information of the personal information protection manager (or their representative)
Personal Information Protection Manager: Terumi Sako
Email: contact@hachi-x.com
Phone: 052-693-5866
(3) Purpose of Use of Personal Information
The purposes for which we handle personal information in our business activities are as follows:
① Retained personal data
Types of personal information
Purpose of Use
Business Partner Information
For business management, various communications, billing, and payment management
Employee Information
To use for work related to employee management (work, labor, and personnel management, payroll-related work, employee benefits, etc.)
Job applicant information
To use for recruitment-related tasks (provision of information regarding recruitment, hiring decisions, contact regarding recruitment, etc.)
Retirement Information
To contact former employees and respond to inquiries from former employees
Contact information
To respond to your inquiries
The person and his/her representative
Information ( disclosure, etc.)
At the time of billing )
To respond to requests for disclosure, etc.
Any other purposes that are expressly stated in writing.
②Other personal information acquired
Types of personal information
Purpose of Use
Personal information acquired through commissioned business
To use for contracts and related communications, execution of commissioned work, aftercare, refund application procedures, etc.
Information Obtained from Job Sites
To determine and notify job seekers of the possibility of employment
(4) Contact for Inquiries Regarding Personal Information
For complaints, consultations, or inquiries about the handling of personal information, including retained personal data, please contact the (Inquiry Contact) below.
(5) Name of Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization and Contact for Complaint Resolution
(6) Procedures for Disclosure and Other Requests
We will promptly respond to requests for disclosure, notification of the purpose of use, correction, addition, or deletion of retained personal data, suspension of use, deletion, and cessation of provision to third parties. If you wish to make such requests, we will verify that the requestor is the individual concerned or their agent and respond within a reasonable period and scope.
(7) Method of Requesting Disclosure and Contact Information
Please contact the following inquiry contact for requests regarding disclosure of retained personal data. Once contacted, we will send you our prescribed "Request Form for Disclosure of Retained Personal Data" by mail, fax, or email. Please complete the form, enclose the required documents, and submit them by mail or email. (The cost of sending is to be borne by the requester.) We will confirm that you are the individual (or their agent) and respond according to your preferred disclosure method.
(8) Measures Taken for the Safety Management of Personal Information
To handle personal information properly, we have established personal information protection regulations based on our Personal Information Protection Policy, compliant with JIS Q 15001, and operate a personal information protection management system. We implement safety management measures from four perspectives: organizational, human, physical, and technical, to ensure appropriate handling of personal information.
While we outsource to third parties outside the country, we take appropriate safety management measures, including understanding external environments.
For specific safety management measures, please contact the (Inquiry Contact) below.
(Inquiry Contact)
Name of window
Personal Information Inquiry Contact
Contact address
Contact person: Tetsuyuki Kamiya
Address: 2-22-8 Chikusa, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture
Phone/FAX: 052-693-5866
Email: contact@hachi-x.com